What to do...

by Jacob Rodal

Updated on March 29, 2020 at 5:40 PM

hmm, what to do...

If you're reading this, you're hopefully being responsible and doing your best to follow published guidelines on social distancing. Now that you can't go out and do whatever it is you normally do, you may be wondering, "what can I do to not lose my mind from boredom and/or loneliness." Fear not, I've compiled a list for you!

I'm sure there are tons of lists out there, but I haven't looked at them. Instead, I listed things that I'm personally doing or have considered doing. There will likely be overlap, but enjoy my list nonetheless!

Watch Netflix with Friends

Netflix and chill?

Someone released a chrome extension that synchronizes video playback and adds a group chat so that you can watch Netflix with your friends. Here's the relevant link.

For the record, they totally stole my idea. I was talking about how Netflix and YouTube need to release this feature and then three days later, this wonderful extension comes out. I forgive them because I probably wouldn't have gotten around to implementing this anyway :)

Read a book

Reading is fun

Personally, reading is one of my favorite hobbies and it's generally under appreciated these days. I won't pitch this too hard since I know not every one enjoys reading, but it really is a fantastic way to spend your time. Throughout my life, I've spent countless days doing nothing but reading and the day goes by very quickly. These are the top 100 free books on Project Gutenberg if you're into classical books. Honestly though, the fact that Pride and Prejudice is the number one book should scare you because that book is some hot garbage (it has no plot, don't @ me). There are some other books in the top 100 that I have read and found very enjoyable, so perhaps I'm being too dramatic. Additionally, I'm sure there are authors out there that have released free or discounted books during this pandemic.

Complete a puzzle

Bonus points if your puzzle is cool like my dogs

If you've got a puzzle just sitting around, you might as well do it. Also, play Sudoku. I've only got 900 puzzles left in my book to go!


If you know, you know...

Have you ever told yourself, "I want to start exercising, but it's just so hard to find the time?" Well, looks like you're in luck! There's tons of routines you can do from home just a Google search away. Maybe some of you will come out of quarantine looking like Iroh after he broke out of prison (if you know, you know). That's my goal.

Learn an Instrument

A happy instrument

If you have access to a musical instrument or don't mind buying one, now is a great time to learn how to play! Personally, I recommendation the ukulele because it's a very happy sounding instrument, which is nice in this trying times. Plus, it only has four strings, so it's a bit easier to learn.

I haven't checked this out, but, in response to Covid-19, fender is offering free guitar, bass, and ukulele lessons for the first 100,000 people who sign up.

Play Gartic.io with friends

I'm not much of an artist, but this game is still fun

Gartic.io has been the activity of choice for me and my homies. We all chat via Zoom while playing gartic.io together. It's a fun time.

For those who don't know (I didn't), gartic.io is a drawing-guessing game where one player draws something and every one else guesses what it is that they're drawing. You can play with friends or strangers online. I believe it has a mobile app as well.

Learn a new language

He still haunts my nightmares

It's time to dust off the good 'ole Duolingo and learn a new language. Personally, I'm terrified of the Duolingo owl and will likely not be partaking in this recommendation, but if you are braver than me, this could be a good way to stimulate your brain.

Play a board game

The GOAT board game

Pogo games lets you play tons of board games (and other games) online for free. In my youth, I spent many hours playing Monopoly on this site because nobody was brave enough to face my wrath in person.

Learn to Program

I look like this dude right now, except I'm not hunched over. Good posture is key

I had a lot of free time my first year of college and started programming for fun, because what else is there to do for fun in college? Two years later, I'm now a computer science major preparing for a career in software engineering, and I'm still programming for fun! I'm having so much programming that I haven't done anything else in days! Thanks, Hoohacks!

Jokes aside, I'm a big believer in the idea that it's never to late to learn how to program. You could use it to help further your career, make it your career, or just do it as a hobby (my original intention). In my biased opinion, python is the best general purpose language to learn. Google "python tutorials" and you will find a plethora of useful resources.

Pet your dog (or go adopt one)

Pebbles loves belly rubs

C'mon now, I shouldn't even have to say this. Your dog is absolutely SICED that you're home, so give them the affection they crave. Plus, it'll boost your mental health in these trying times.

Other things

Due to time constraints, I couldn't write up all of my ideas for what to do in quarantine. I will update this page with more dank ideas shortly.