
The mainstream media has become terrifying lately, and understandingly so. We are in the middle of a pandemic the likes of which hasn't been seen in a century. In the age of the internet and social media, fear spreads like wildfire. The goal of this website is to help ease some of your worries and make you feel better during this stressful time.

I've provided a clear analysis of the pandemic that you can use to determine your individual risk, compiled daily articles of good news in the midst of the pandemic, provided suggestions for fun activities you can do by yourself and with your friends while in quarantine, and listed things you can do to help yourself and others.

Stay safe, keep social distancing, and have a good day!

Visual Analysis

Clear, interactive data analysis of the Covid-19 outbreak exploring death rates, case severity, and symptoms as they relate to different age and other at-risk groups to help you determine your individual risk.

Good News!

Not all is bleak! Every day, great progress is made towards understanding and beating covid-19. Plus, other great things are happening in the world. Check out a daily list of good news!

I'm bored...

Humans are social creatures! It's no surprise that social/physical distancing is difficult. Here's a list of fun activities you can do while quarantining, by yourself or virtually with friends! You might pickup a skill or two along the way as well :)

How can I help?

In times of crisis, it's heartwarming to see so many people come together to help others. You may be wondering what you, as an individual, can do to help fight this pandemic. Checkout a list of ways you can help yourself and others!